You’ve heard it before. Sugar is bad for your teeth. But it’s not actually the sugar that damages the teeth, which means we can potentially keep enjoying our favorite candy. That sounds pretty sweet! Become educated on the process of how sugary food and beverages impact your teeth so you can take the right steps to having a healthier sweet tooth.
We all have bacteria in our mouths, and while a lot of it is good bacteria which is healthy for our oral health, there are also bad bacteria. When you eat sugar, it feeds the bad bacteria, creating acids that destroy the tooth enamel–the shiny, protective outer layer of the tooth. When the acid eventually eats a hole in your tooth, it is the bacterial infection called a cavity. Without treatment, cavities can progress past the enamel and into the deeper layers of the tooth, causing pain and possible tooth loss.
Your saliva is a crucial factor for your oral health. It contains minerals such as calcium and phosphates that are naturally reproduced to help repair the teeth. Stimulating saliva flow is recommended to help bathe the teeth in minerals. Raw fruits and vegetables promote salivation, and chewing sugar-free gum also stimulates saliva production.
Fluoride is another mineral that helps repair weakened enamel. Aside from the natural occurrences in your mouth, manual care can be taken with fluoride to keep your teeth in the best shape possible.
- If your local water is fluoridated, drink from the tap instead of the bottle.
- Rinse your mouth with fluoridated water immediately after eating culprit foods.
- Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste before breakfast and 30-60 minutes after eating.
- Get a fluoride treatment from us, and be sure to visit every 6 months.
To make an appointment, click here or call (828) 631-3283.