
Diabetes and Covid-19

November is National Diabetes Month

COVID-19 cases continue to rise and people with underlying health conditions like diabetes are more likely to become seriously ill when contracting the virus. And, if you have diabetes coupled with other health challenges you’re at an even greater risk. Since November is National Diabetes Month it’s important to share the most recent research providedRead more

Expiring Dental Benefits in 2020

Understanding when your dental insurance plan renews is very important, especially when considering expiring and unused benefits. If your plan is like the majority of insured Americans, you may be at risk of losing benefits you have not used (but already paid for) by the end of the year. When you don’t use all ofRead more

Dentist seeing a senior woman

Replace Your Missing Tooth With a Dental Implant – 4 Great Reasons Why

Do you feel self-conscious about your smile and have problems eating because of your missing teeth? A dental implant is a tooth replacement solution that can change your life for the better. Here are just four of the many reasons to consider dental implants: 1. Dental Implants Look Like Real Teeth A dental implant looksRead more

COVID-19 Closure

Dear Patients,   We certainly are in unprecedented times.  Although delaying your dental visit is something we always caution against, COVID-19 has left us with no choice but to move routine and non-emergency appointments to a later time.   Your health and safety, and that of your family, is the top priority.  Please remember toRead more

Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

It can be distressing to lose a tooth. Whether due to an injury, deterioration, or gum disease, you now have a gap between your teeth where that tooth once sat. If you’ve lost a tooth, especially one that’s not visible to others when you speak or smile, you may be thinking that you can passRead more

Are Your Dental Benefits Expiring?

You’ve paid your dental premiums all year, so it’s important you take advantage of your benefits, and not let them simply go away.  Most insurance companies provide policies that follow the calendar year.  So, if your benefits aren’t used by December 31of this year they may be lost for good. Use Them or You’ll LoseRead more